The hardest skills in business (and in life), are working with other people, because everyone has different beliefs and views of how work should be done.

Teamwork has always been an important part to the success of any business, so how do you avoid personality conflicts and dynamics that can interfere with productivity, and turn a group of independent individuals, with different personalities into a cohesive team?

The most effective teams have members who understand themselves, as well as each other. By understanding the keys to communicating with others based on behavioral styles, team members can become more effective and increase overall productivity.

For this reason, it helps to use assessment tools to allow team members to understand each other’s work preferences. Our TTI Insights® Insights Team Behaviors and Driving Forces Report  will identify the strengths, problem-solving abilities, communication preferences and potential areas for conflict within each of the behavioral styles represented by the team.

By recognizing, understanding and appreciating these factors, the team can make sure that everyone is in a position to contribute to team success with their fullest potential and achieve increased productivity and overall team cohesiveness.

DISC® Behaviors in Team Building

DISC is one of the world’s most popular team building tools. The DISC assessment uncovers individuals’ behavioral style, known as the “how,” by analyzing natural and adapted behavioral factors. The most productive teams understand how each individual member likes to operate, how they prefer to communicate, as well as what pushes their buttons.

Your DISC Team Report gives you this language. Having a set of terms to discuss behavioral differences can help a team understand the inherent strengths and potential areas for conflict that commonly arise in group situations.

DISC BrochureDISC e-BookIndividual ReportTeam Report

12 Driving Forces® in Team Building

A key component of trust between two individuals is the alignment and awareness of drivers. The 12 Driving Forces assessment uncovers a person’s “why” behind their behaviors by analyzing specific areas of drivers a person possesses.

There are six primary drivers that determine the lens through which we view the world and shape our view of what ideas, experiences and people we will tend to favor or avoid.By understanding others’ primary drivers – especially in team environment – we are able to not only build better relationships, but understand the root cause of conflict.

Driving Forces BrochureDriving Forces e-Book – Individual Report  –  Team ReportLeadership StylesDriving Forces in Crisis

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